Staff Shortages

We would like to apologise for the current delays in processing calls and requests due to unforeseen circumstances. We understand the frustration and inconvenience caused by this situation and extend our sincerest apologies to all affected patients.

Recently, our call handling team has experienced a higher than usual rate of sickness, resulting in limited staffing capacity to address incoming calls and requests promptly. Despite our efforts to manage the situation efficiently, the unexpected absence of team members has led to unavoidable delays.

In response to this issue, we have taken steps to mitigate the impact on patient care and we have recruited additional staff to bolster our call handling team. However, we acknowledge that it will take some time to train these new recruits to ensure they meet our high standards of service excellence. We sincerely hope for the swift recovery of our team members who are currently unwell and look forward to welcoming them back as soon as possible.

In the meantime, we kindly request patients to consider using our online request forms wherever possible. Our online form offers a convenient and efficient way to submit non-urgent requests, appointments, and queries, which will help alleviate the strain on our phone lines during this period.

We are committed to providing the highest quality of care to our patients, and we deeply regret any inconvenience caused by these delays. Rest assured, we are working tirelessly to restore a normal service and to ensure that all patient needs are met in a timely manner.

Further to the above we are currently planning some major changes to how we manage all requests to ensure that no matter how they are received, they are dealt with fairly and prioritised by clinical need. There will be more details soon where we will explain further about how your calls, online and other requests will be dealt with. The aim being to remove some of the inefficiencies in our system and make the process quicker, clearer and easier not only for patients but also for our staff and get the appropriate response first time.

For further assistance or enquiries, please visit our website at

Thank you for your understanding and patience during this challenging time.