Clinics & Services

Long Term Conditions

Patients with long term conditions will be invited for their annual review within the month of their birthday.

A Long Term Condition can includes illnesses such as:

  • Respiratory disease
  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Diabetes
  • Kidney disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Epilepsy
  • Mental health problems
  • Other long term health issues that affect the health or lifestyle of a patient.

These conditions require an annual review to ensure that the condition is being managed appropriately. For more information visit the Long Term Conditions page

Cervical Smears and Breast Screening

All women between 25 – 64 should have regular cervical smears. Between 25-49 smears should be taken every 3 years and every five years thereafter up to the age of 64, unless there is a clinical need for it to be done sooner. Please make an appointment with the Practice Nurses who will be able to see to this for you.

All women currently in the screening program will continue to be invited.

Ladies aged 50 – 65 will automatically be invited to the Breast Screening Service for a routine mammography on a three yearly basis. This is held offsite.

Chlamydia Screening

As a Practice, we are being asked to actively encourage 16-24 year olds to have regular screening. Therefore, we are inviting you to collect a screening kit from the surgery; you will not need an appointment with a nurse or doctor to discuss the test.

It is advised that the test is done when sexually active, thereafter annually or on changing partners. Chlamydia is a serious disease and can lead to infertility if left untreated. It can often present with no symptoms which means you may not know you have it.

The Chlamydia Screening Office will notify you of the results via your preferred method of contact. In order to do this you will need to be able to give two forms of contact, e.g. an address and mobile phone number. They will also arrange any treatment if the test is positive and arrange partner tracing.

If you are unsure about completing the test or have any questions, please contact the surgery for further advice.

Family Planning

All the doctors provide a full range of family planning services in addition to which our Practice nurses are also family planning trained. The services are available throughout each weekday but, when booking, please let the receptionist know that this is the service you want so that you consult with an appropriately qualified person.

Maternity Care

Please follow this link and complete the online booking request form once you are 7 weeks pregnant. Contact the department sooner if your are Type 1 Diabetic, as you may require early booking.

Minor Surgery

We are able to provide a comprehensive minor surgical service (removal of cysts and lumps, dealing with ingrown toenails etc). If you would like to consider using this facility, please make an appointment with your doctor to discuss your needs. Please note that appointment availability will depend on clinician availability and the urgency of clinical need.